Economic Development

Like most cities in Utah County, Santaquin has experienced an unprecedented period of growth for the last several years, and, in all likelihood, the City will continue to grow as a result of both natural increase and in-migration. If future growth is well guided, Santaquin City cannot only preserve, but enhance its country charm and maintain a sound tax base all the while making the City a better place in which to live, work, recreate and visit.

Our General Plan is to be used as a guide for future land uses and development within Santaquin City. It should remain flexible enough to allow for developments and uses that serve to provide for the health, safety, and welfare, and promote the prosperity, improve the morals, peace and good order, comfort, convenience, and aesthetics of the City, its present and future inhabitants and businesses. It also serves to protect the City tax base, to secure economy in governmental expenditures, to foster agricultural and other industries, to protect both urban and non-urban development, and to protect property values and rights. The Plan, if followed, will encourage economic growth without adversely impacting the overall character of the community. As a guide, it is important that the recommendations contained in this document are followed by the policy and decision-making organizations.

The population of Santaquin has grown from 12 in 1851 to 1,214 in 1950, 1,236 in 1970, 2,386 in 1990, 4834 in 2000 and 9128 in 2010. Mountainland Association of Government projects Santaquin will nearly double in size within the next 10 years as growth in Utah County continues to push south. Potential build out of the city is estimated near 55,000 persons.

Please refer to the General Plan for detailed information regarding our economic element and growth.